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Gone are the days when a mobile phone was used exclusively for sending messages and making calls. They’re no longer just means of communication but tools that help us in our daily lives and experience life in a different way. Mobile applications are also responsible for this and event apps have the power to help create better events.

Mobile navigation ended up overlapping desktop navigation. The question is, how could this relate to event management?

Mobile applications are designed with the intention of being easy to navigate while offering a tremendous utilitarian component. 

Taking into account the multiple processes that involve event management, we can understand that they were born to make your work easier. As less is often more, knowing the tools available, can’t only simplify your event but also help you stay one step ahead of the competition.

Why are Event Apps Important?

Event organizers want to keep up with technological advancement and with the constant adoption of the use of smartphones, they have started to realize that a mobile app is a must-have for their events.

Event apps provide all sorts of information that attendees need. All of this, without the need to be connected to the internet. 

This way, attendees will have access to schedules, locations, other attendees’ information, information about the organizer and exhibitors, speakers’ biographies, and even virtual product displays.

On the other hand, event organizers are able to track attendee behaviors, while also having a platform to present push notifications. With this, the content presented will be more likely to be seen, contributing to a more direct relationship. 

However, there aren’t only advantages to using a native web app for events. Let’s say a web app also has a number of advantages. Check out the benefits of using an event management software.  But don’t worry, all your questions will be answered throughout this article.

Advantages of web apps versus native apps for events

Event Apps (Web)


Web applications are more versatile, in the sense that they can be accessed and optimized for smartphones, Android or iOS operating systems, as well as any and all other types of devices such as laptops and desktops. 

Real-time Updates

Unlike native event apps, which require software updates for each change, web apps update automatically requiring no action from the user.

Fewer boundaries

You have more freedom since you don’t have to follow the rules of the terms and conditions of the application stores. Because of this, you can build content and advertise as you wish. 

Event Apps (Native)

A more direct relationship

When participants have an event app installed on their devices, they can receive push notifications. As you’ve probably figured out from your own experience when using your smartphone, you’re much more likely to read and interact with these notifications when compared to received emails. 

Participants can view content even offline

Unlike a web app, in which it’s necessary to have internet access to see the contents presented on a page, a native web application for events allows the user to see these contents because they were previously loaded the last time the device was connected to the internet.

Increased speed

You can expect increased speed and more responsiveness from an event-native app. As was said previously, most of the content in a native app is static. In other words, it’s stored in the phone. 

Dynamic content will also only be read once you access the internet. But since it’s usually only a small portion of the app, everything runs faster and smoother. 

Access to smartphone features

An event native app will allow you to access hardware features such as NFC, microphone, and camera – which the majority of smartphones already have. This contactless technology is advantageous for interactions at your in-person events through NFC  or for attendees to be able to participate in a virtual event anywhere by turning on their camera and microphone.

What Type of Content and Features Should be Delivered to Cause Impact in Event Apps

Now, let’s talk about the content and features that the application should have to make an impact on your upcoming events 

Enable easy and customizable creation of a profile page 

A native event app should offer, in a user-friendly way, the ability to customize your profile page, either for personal marketing purposes when applying for an offer at a job fair or networking, or for exhibitors who want to showcase the power of their branding.  

Ability to search for a contact through keywords: partners, sponsors, speakers, and exhibitors

This point, as you’ll notice, will link to the next. But it’s part of something completely fundamental: quick access to what we’re looking for within the event. Whether it’s a specific person or a company.

Networking Tools: Private messaging and Scheduling meetings

As mentioned in the previous point, easy access to a contact a participant is looking for is key. From this moment on, it’s necessary to have tools that allow networking, from sending private messages and scheduling meetings so participants can exchange ideas.

Management Tools for Organizers

Event planning can be somewhat chaotic and you can often find yourself stuck on a key task to materialize your event. So you need to be able to assign more than one person to manage your event, and a native event app has to give you this possibility. 

Check-in feature

Something we can be sure will never change is check-in and access control at your event. With this in mind, your native event app should be able to see who is registered for the event to allow them entry. It should also allow access control if your event has restricted access to certain sessions. All of this, of course, through contactless technology.

There are more functionalities you can count like these 6 features that will help you create a great event experience.

Can event apps increase attendee engagement?

If you take into consideration that most people can’t live without their smartphones, and your event has an app, then we can assume that the probability of engagement will be much higher. But how? Let’s see!

Share event information with real-time updates

Not only you’ll minimize costs and environmental impact but your participant will most likely like to consult the information about the event on their smartphone. What do you think they would prefer? To consult the event program in their smartphone or paper? 

Event mapping on the app

Imagine having a web application for event management and having your attendees walk around asking the entire event where the location for a specific session is. This doesn’t have to happen because you can provide an event mapping to solve this kind of hiccup.

Virtual Product Exhibitions & Job Applications

The virtual display of products can facilitate the whole process of interaction of the participants of the event, as they can show interest in the products through a simple touch, or even ask for more information through live chat. 

The same happens for job fairs, where new professional talent can apply for a job offer easily or have direct communication with anyone attending the event by scheduling meetings.

Benefits of Using Event Apps for the End User

Depending on the point of view, there are three types of end-users in an event app: the event organizers, the exhibitors, and the attendees. With this in mind, we’ll show you some of the benefits they can enjoy. 

Event Organizers Benefits

  • App focused on UI/UX to facilitate the whole process of creating and managing events
  • Allows the distribution of tasks by assigning multiple event managers
  • Communication more likely to be seen through push notifications
  • Easily  manage event content in real-time with user-friendly access to the backend
  • Greater ease in managing participants, as well as the possibility of doing check-in for the event using a smartphone, without relying on specific devices
  • By providing an app for events where all the content is available in the same space, event organizers can reduce costs on physical marketing materials.

Exhibitors Benefits

  • Take advantage of areas dedicated to displaying your products or job offers
  • Increased ability to collect leads as the entire app enables a greater likelihood of interaction between event participants
  • Greater ability to build trust because the app contributes to a more direct relationship with participants

Attendees Benefits

  • Easier access to information about the event
  • Access to event information even offline
  • Easier to make use of tools to interact with other participants (networking)
  • Easier to interact with products and job offers

3 Reasons why you need an Event Management Tool

An event management platform, whether it’s a web app or native app is designed so that you can handle all the details in a user-friendly way and also promote your event. This is a great advantage but not the only one.

  • Greater trust from participants

An event management tool will add to your organization and make you look more professional because it allows you to create an event page with consistency in branding.

  • All the information you need in one place

Having the information about the event program, the exhibitors and partners as well as the speakers in one place give participants an idea of what they can expect in the future.

  • Reduced costs

Imagine having to rely on an IT team to put together a website dedicated to your event. This would have huge costs. By opting for a company dedicated to event management tools, you have the possibility to enjoy a dedicated platform at reduced costs.

As you’ve learned, there are different benefits between opting for an event web or native app. All you gotta figure out is: is it worth it taking into consideration your audience?

One thing is for sure, whether it’s a web or native app, you need to count on an event management tool because it will definitely help you organize successful events when it comes to hosting events.

Any questions? Talk to us!