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No one can really predict the future of events, and as event organizers, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate the expectations of the attendees. With the constantly evolving landscape of the events industry, it can be challenging to predict what attendees will want in the future.

However, by staying informed and considering current trends and developments, we can make educated guesses about what attendees may expect.

In this article, we’ll explore the future of events and list 7 expectations attendees may have from organizers. From sustainability efforts to personalized experiences, these are the key areas that event organizers should focus on to meet their attendees’ expectations and deliver successful events.

Hybrid Vs In-Person Events – Will hybrid Events continue to increase?

It’s difficult to predict whether hybrid events will continue to increase in popularity in the future, as it’ll depend on a variety of factors such as technological advances, changes in consumer behavior, and global events and trends. However, it’s possible that hybrid events may continue to increase in popularity due to the following reasons:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the value of virtual events and the potential for hybrid events. Many events that were previously in-person had to pivot to virtual or hybrid formats due to restrictions on gathering sizes and travel. As a result, attendees and organizers have become more comfortable with and accustomed to virtual events, and may continue to prefer hybrid events.
  • Hybrid events allow for a larger audience reach. By offering both in-person and virtual options, event organizers can expand their audience to include people who may not have been able to attend an in-person event due to geographical distance or other barriers.
  • Hybrid events can offer cost savings for attendees and organizers. Attending an in-person event often requires travel and accommodation expenses, which can be a deterrent for some attendees. By offering a virtual option, event organizers can reduce the cost burden for attendees and potentially attract a larger audience. 
  • Hybrid events can offer more flexibility and convenience for attendees. With the ability to choose between attending in-person or virtually, attendees can decide which format is most convenient and comfortable for them. This can be especially appealing for those with busy schedules or other commitments that may make it difficult to attend an in-person event.

Overall, it’s possible that hybrid events may continue to increase in popularity in the future as they offer a combination of the benefits of in-person and virtual events, and allow for a larger audience reach, cost savings, and flexibility. If you’re considering using a hybrid events platform, be sure to check out Hybrid Events Platform – 5 features you absolutely need for a list of essential features to look for.

7 Expectations Attendees Will Have

Just as hybrid events are expected to continue to grow, attendees’ expectations for the future are also expected to change. Of course, we can only speculate on the matter as we do not have the power to see the future through a crystal ball. With this in mind, what are the 7 things attendees will expect in the future?

1. Social responsibility & Sustainability

Attendees may expect event organizers to prioritize social responsibility and consider the impact of their events on the local community. This may include supporting local businesses and implementing eco-friendly practices to reduce the environmental impact of events.

2.  Virtual and augmented reality experiences

As technology continues to advance, attendees may expect to have access to immersive virtual and augmented reality experiences that enhance their event experience. This may include virtual keynote speakers and interactive exhibitors. For more information on how technology can enhance the event experience, you may want to consider reading how technology can create better events.

3. Personalized and seamless technology

Attendees may expect to have access to technology that allows them to easily connect with others and access information and resources throughout the event. This could include an event app and other tools that allow participants to schedule meetings, access event materials, and do networking. Learn more about event apps: benefits for organizing events if you’re looking to use event apps to streamline the event experience,

4. Networking opportunities

Attendees may expect events to provide opportunities to connect with others in their industry or field, including networking events, group activities, and one-on-one meetings.

5. Contactless technology

With the rise of contactless payment and other technologies, attendees may expect event organizers to offer contactless solutions for different aspects such as check-in, interactions, and payment. Not only you’ll be meeting attendees’ expectations but you will also offer a smooth event registration & check-in.

6. Customized and relevant content

Attendees may expect events to offer customized and relevant content that is tailored to their interests and needs. This could include sessions and workshops that address specific challenges and topics of interest, as well as opportunities to connect with others who share similar interests.

7. More Hybrid events

Attendees may expect event organizers to offer both in-person and virtual options for events, allowing them to choose the format that is most convenient and comfortable for them. The result is the constant adoption of organizing hybrid events.

Hybrid Events: What Event Organizers Need to Know

To deliver successful events, event organizers should focus on meeting the expectations of their attendees. Here’s a list of what it means to event organizers:

  • Event organizers should prioritize social responsibility and consider the impact of their events on the local community.
  • As technology advances, event organizers should consider offering immersive virtual and augmented reality to enhance attendees’ experiences.
  • Event organizers should provide attendees with access to technology that allows them to easily connect with others and access information and resources throughout the event.
  • Event organizers should provide interactive and engaging content that keeps attendees involved throughout the event
  • Event organizers should consider offering personalized experiences that are tailored to the individual needs and preferences of attendees.

Talk to us! We’ll show you how to make hybrid events more engaging through our robust engagement tools.