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With an increasingly competitive market, it’s becoming more challenging to stand out in a company’s eyes. This is why job fairs have sprung up to promote and facilitate proximity between candidates and recruiters. Showing interest in a company and sharing your CV are just the start needed to create new opportunities and open new doors, just like at the job fair in Granada.

Today, we’re going to show you four ways to improve your job fair and make it a real success: online presence, quick check-in, easy CV sharing and easy database creation.

Online Presence

Face-to-face contact plays a major role in the success of company-candidate interaction. However, in an increasingly digital world, which makes it possible to reach a larger audience in a wider geographical area, it is important to emphasise the importance of having the option of making the fair available via an online platform. This is viable both for downloading the CV and having a first contact with the company, as well as for attending possible talks/sessions that are scheduled.

As well as facilitating access for those who are at a distance and unable to travel to the fair location, allowing companies to have greater visibility due to the greater number of visitors, it also allows information to be accessible in one place, so there is no need for the typical flyers that are easily lost and unsustainable. There can also be an increase in networking, through greater interaction and the simultaneous private conversations that can be held during and after the event, which represents a significant growth in contact networks. What’s more, having an online presence offers a double opportunity for exhibitors to make the most of their presence at the fair through customisable virtual stands.

Quick and easy – check-in

To avoid long queues and waiting times, there are QR codes, which are a very quick and easy option for efficient and productive check-in. The QR code consists of a code that is shared with the registrant when they register online. At the event, it is accessed via mobile phone, making check-in quicker and more environmentally friendly.

When registering, the candidate receives a smart badge, a smart wristband or a smart card, which consist of a small chip integrated into the event credentials. From this moment on, the candidate has an identification element with which they can interact with companies and easily share their contacts.

Read more about check-in tools here.

Sustainability and practicality – CV sharing

When it comes to sharing contacts and CVs between candidates and recruiters, there are very practical solutions that involve sending data quickly:

QR code unique to each candidate

This code is generated and incorporated into their credentials or badges. The company simply scans the QR code and automatically registers the application.

Unique QR code for each company stand

With this option, candidates simply scan this code to immediately share their CV.

Smart badging

This option consists of contactless sharing. Simply bring the smart badge, wristband or card close to a device, called a beamer, and the CV is shared instantly and even faster than scanning a QR code. This process means that 98% of candidates share their CV, increasing the match with offers by 40 times.

By choosing one of these methods, candidates can share their details concisely and uniformly with all companies. The fact that it can be shared in seconds also means that more time is available for very productive face-to-face interaction.

Perfect matches between candidate and offer – creating databases

Another problem for companies attending this type of event is the difficulty and time it takes to organise the information and CVs collected to form a database. With the beamian platform, this is just another problem with a solution. By registering CVs digitally, either via a QR code or the beamers, the action of sharing the CV is instantly registered on the platform, creating an immediate database that can be quickly exported by companies during and after the event. In addition, the company has the option of downloading the candidates’ data individually, choosing the one that most caught their eye, or downloading the entire database. 

All these beamian solutions make it possible to organise a job fair where everything happens more smoothly and quickly, without wasting time and with a lot of practicality. From more agile check-in and faster contact sharing to more complete information storage.

Talk to us! We’ll show you how to make the most of our services, guaranteeing the success of your event.