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In its second edition in partnership with beamian, the international employment fair aimed to promote actions that generate employment opportunities for the attendees. The fair also plans to position itself as one of the most important at national level, in Spain.

They brought great companies and job seekers into a single place so they could get to know each other better and filter on the spot whether they would be a good match for each other.

With the use of our beamers – a contactless solution to collect CV’s, job seekers shared effortlessly their information and CV as a means to apply for certain companies and job roles.

Goals successfully achieved

  • With the experience acquired on the first edition and with companies more familiar with our devices, it was easier to break the interactions record when compared to the first job fair.
  • Even though there was an increase in attendance rate, our apk and equipment were able to perfectly deliver a hassle-free check-in and accreditation, making the waiting time as short as possible.
  • Reduce the use of paper through our contact sharing solution, moving increasingly towards sustainable event planning.
  • Deliver how-to documents so that the companies involved get access to all the contacts collected with a simple click.

Customer Testimonial

“Having the beamian solution for the Granada International Job Fair has been a great success. We have been working with beamian for two editions in a row and we will certainly continue to work with them. The interactions between participants and companies is easy, fast and intuitive. In addition to eliminating paper, you can keep track and control access to the event.”

(Immaculada Herrador, Employment Manager at University of Granada)

Want to know more about the metrics of the International Job Fair In Granada?

Talk to us! We’ll show you how you can increase cvs shares at job fairs.