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Online voting system and real time management

The beamian voting system allows each participant to vote for the products they liked the most, at the conferences that most interested them, and vote for the pitch they believe deserves to win.

Based on a simple dynamic, each audience participant can access a link through their smartphone and vote for the content they are watching. There is no need to install any app!

The online voting system allows the audience to rate according to their preferences and record comments on what they are watching, considering different scenarios. Organizers take advantage by accessing the vote in real-time.


On the conferences stage, the audience can have a voice of their own when evaluate the presented contents or the speakers performance. This means that, at the end of the event, the organizer is able to map the success of the covered topics and identify the most interesting themes.

Product presentation

Regarding new product presentation events, participants vote anonymously on their favorite products after trying them out. Imagine being able to get measurable feedback on your product even before it was launched. At this type of event, you can collect rates and evaluation for your product and get to know the public acceptance level.


For candidate presentations, the voting system allows audience and jury members to assess the overall performance of each presentation, but also more specific criteria for each pitch.

Moreover, for events related to business ideas or innovative projects presentation, the evaluation group’s outcome reveals itself much more agile and quickly presented, without the need to use paper. It only takes a smartphone to get this vote going!

An event voting system is a simple technological tool that can be implemented at any event, which helps organizers to increase participants engagement. Organizers can also take the opportunity to create new dynamics for participation in events and, above all, they can consult measurable results regarding participants preferences and feedback.

Case Study: MASTER.SPITCH 2019

Master.Spitch, an event organized by the Cidade das Profissões with the aim of enhancing the skills of those looking for a job or to create their own business, took place on June 6 for the final presentation of 40 candidates to an audience of companies, potential investors and a panel of five judges. For the candidates evaluation process, the entire audience benefited from beamian online voting system.

For 90 seconds, each of the 40 participants presented themselves to the audience, showing their best skills in an attempt to win a place in their dream company.

Through beamian voting platform, the audience was able to consult the list of candidates, their professional profile and the each participant CV. During the pitches, the audience evaluated the overall performance of each candidate based on a “feeling” towards what was presented. The panel of judges evaluated the pitch of each candidate on a scale of 1 to 5, but also more detailed criteria such as clarity of set out ideas, career project, communication and originality.

All candidates were distinguished by the following categories: Most Original CV, Best CV, Most Original Pitch, Best Pitch, Best Online Presence, Best Team Player, Revelation Award and Public Choice.

A platform to engage all participants.
No apps or installations required on smartphones!

beamian voting system adapts to different dynamics and events, so you can create your own voting system!

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We can present you the beamian voting system in only 15 minutes and explain to you how it can be entirely adapted to your event!