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The Smart Wine Glass was one of the first beamian technological solutions for wine & food events, developed in partnership with adegga, which revolutionized the wine testing market in Portugal. To understand how this application disrupts the current market, it’s worth imagining the experience of a wine tasting!

In this type of event, visitors register themselves in the check-in area, where they receive a glass for the wine tastings, and then enjoy the event: the conversations with the producers, the stories about the wines and, of course, the wine tasting itself.
There are some wines that we truly want to remember after the event, that for some reason stuck with us and we know we will want to drink again, and because of that it’s common to see people with notepads to write down the name, producer and even the characteristics of the wines.
Other visitors take photographs or collect business cards from the producers, and others believe they will be able to memorize the name of the wine and remember it later. The problem, however, only manifests itself later when the photos, cards or notes are hard to find or to read, or when memory fails.

This tale of forgetting the name of the wines you liked the most tends to repeat itself in this type of event, and that’s exactly why the Smart Wine Glass was developed, to overcome this inconvenience by giving a regular glass an intelligent digital memory.

The smart wine glass has a built-in chip with portable memory that is capable of recording the wine’s information when visitors bring their glass close to the device on each producer’s display table.
This means that when a visitor wants to select a wine to remember it later he can do it with a simple touch of his glass on a beamer (the producer’s electronic identifier), thus adding that wine to his favorites list.

digitally record of visitor's favorite products; new technological feature for wine events

This application benefits wine tasters, who receive an email with their favorites list and the respective details after the event, eliminating the need to take written notes or memorize several wine names.
This digital memorization system naturally also brings advantages to the wine producers themselves, who at the end of the event receive the contact information of the visitors who showed an interest in their wines and can thus send them additional information about the wines, or even advise them on the closest shopping locations.

This innovative solution gives wine enthusiasts and producers a better wine tasting experience, and the growth and international use of the solution is proof of this. In 2014, the Smart Wine Glass won the Wine Business Innovation Summit in Munich, among the 24 participating startups, which gave the project more visibility and helped take it to foreign lands.

Some examples of this internationalization are the events Vinhos de Portugal no Rio (Portuguese Wines in Rio), in Rio de Janeiro, in 2016, and Spanische Weinmessen 2017 (Spanish Wine Fairs), in Munich and Hamburg, where the Smart Wine Glass was present, allowing visitors to taste the wines and digitally “memorize” their favorites.

The Smart Wine Glass has become a reference solution in this market and beamian is proud to be a part of its technological construction, allowing consumers to have better experiences. It is an effective, quick and very easy to implement solution that will surely make a difference in any wine tasting.

Learn more about some of the events in which the Smart Wine Glass has been implemented:

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