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This is not the first time we’ve talked about the future of events in our event tech blog. Last time, we’ve emphasized hybrid events as one of the most anticipated trends in the events industry, and we’ve strongly looked over the upcoming opportunities and challenges closely related to technology for events. But it’s always worth to figure out events in 2022, especially when we are towards the end of the year.

We all know that the past couple of years didn’t went as expected. The COVID-19 and the resulting economic crisis has changed the landscape of the worldwide organizations. By the way, check here how coronavirus will impact the events industry (although by now we’ve experienced almost every consequences). But the question is: how tech can help us prepare for events in 2022?

The most prominent fact is that virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are expanding and the events industry is aiming to reap its maximum benefits. But it may not happen in the short term.

Other emerging trends like paperless, touchless or contactless technologies have become the savior of almost organizations in this pandemic. Moreover, technology has played a huge part in helping event organizers still move forward in the past Covid-driven years – particularly through virtual & hybrid events.

Technology has indeed enabled thousands of people to work from home and host virtual events across the globe. And what does this mean? As further as we move our lives through the so called “new normal”, the more technology will help us adapting to new realities and scenarios.

Let’s take a look at some of the most tangible points tech is going to play in the preparation of 2022 events (leaving VR, AR and AI for a long-rang scenario):

  • Using contactless & paperless technology to reduce contact

Another way technology is going to play a big part in events happening is reducing contact. Ticketing, networking and registration processes will be more digital than ever. Event apps, which allows to digitalize all event interactions, will also reduce the need to touch things like business cards. Furthermore, sustainable events have contactless & paperless interactions.

  • Hosting virtual & hybrid events

Event tech can actually help the events industry reopening their doors, while taking advantage of both in-person and online audiences. The “real” tickets will see people actually attend live events (a great idea if there’s a reduced capacity allowed for a specific venue), and the virtual ones will allow attendees to tune into webinars and arrange video meetings with exhibitors in totally secure way.

Tech has already helped the events industry hang in there in the most tough times, and we can only expect that unprecedent mission to continue in 2022.

Talk to us! We’ll show you how to rethink your events.