Ever dreamt of sending the perfect certificate to each attendee, or crafting emails that resonate with every visitor type? Buckle up, because in this product news, we’ll unveil: Certificate Distribution with Targeted Emails and Personalised Communications with Multiple Visitor Types.

  • Streamline Certificate Distribution with Targeted Emails

Imagine issuing different certificates for activies, attendance days, or categories – all at once, directly to attendees. Our solution lets you send targeted mails with the right certificate for each participant, saving you time and resources.

Different certificates per activities, attendance days or attendance categories;
Ability to issue different certifications on the same event.

  • Craft Personalised Experiences with Multiple Visitor Types

Want to create a truly engaging event experience? Personalise your communication by visitor type! Our platform allows you to build targeted emails for participants, speakers, sponsors, or any category you define. Send relevant information with just one click, fostering deeper connections with your audience.

  • Personalised communications per visitor type;
  • Send multiple communications through one-click or automatically.